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Del Prado Collection Dragoon French Cavalry Figurine No.1916 Good

Del Prado Collection Dragoon French Cavalry Figurine No.1916 Good

Regular price £15.00 GBP
Regular price Sale price £15.00 GBP
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Del Prado Collection Dragoon French Cavalry No.1916 The Del Prado Collection Dragoon French Cavalry No.1916 figure represents a French Dragoon from 1916, during World War I. This hand-painted metal miniature is part of the "Cavalry Through the Ages" collection, showcasing the distinctive uniforms and equipment of early 20th-century French cavalrymen. The figure is meticulously crafted to accurately depict the uniform and insignia of a French Dragoon during World War I. It features the traditional dragoon helmet, tunic, and weaponry, providing a detailed and authentic representation of the era 3" x 3.5" x 1" Good Condition - see images

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